Temerity Analytics Inc.

Full Stack Developer & Data Analyst • May 2020 - August 2021


  • Temerity Analytics is a marketing cloud services provider start-up

  • Developed and co-designed 2 pages deemed essential by clients that included: filtering capability, Google Map and charts that depend on map navigation.
  • Refactored, documented and tested over 100 Django RESTful APIs to improve speed performance by 70%.
  • Integrated Google Maps library in 7 pages throughout the platform.
  • Proposed a new QA testing method that has become a weekly standard procedure, leading to a faster uncovering of bugs and a more stable code base.
  • Proposed and developed a documentation project to improve website documentation for the end client and to capture all code best practices for the development team.
  • Won hackathon for adding a key feature that clients (hackathon judges) deemed necessary.
  • Researched, obtained and cleaned key datasets used through all map features on the platform.

Unfortunately no pictures or business logic can be shared with regards to the features I developed.

Technology used

  - Typescript
  - SCSS
  - Angular
  - Google Maps
  - Apache Echarts
  - Python
  - Django
  - PostgreSQL
  - Postman
  - AWS
Data Analytics:
  - R
Mohamed Tayeh

Mohamed Tayeh

Software Engineer at a stealth start-up