
As a team of 6, we created Datalytic as part of our CSCC01 course (Introduction to Software Engineering).

Motivation and Project Description:

  • The customer is central in every product or service that is offered, hence obtaining customer feedback is essential to the success of any business small or large.
  • This feedback often comes in the form of unstructured data, such as text. In fact, open ended questions are one of the best ways to obtain feedback. This feedback can come from many sources, such as surveys, client interviews and social media.
  • Gathering this data from multiple sources and attempting to extract key information is both time consuming and tiring thus it is an expense to the business.
  • There are already existing platforms that provide businesses with a unified source to gather this data, as well as mine information from it. One example is Microsoft Dynamics 365 that has this capability, however it costs $1,500 per user to obtain and understand this feedback - making it an infeasible expense for small businesses, startups and content creators.
  • Our platform would provide this audience with a tool that acts as a unified source to obtain this information and make sense of it, especially to small business owners and content-creators.

Source Code

A big thank you to my group for making this possible:

Final Presentation:

Technology used

    - Typescript
    - React
    - React MUI
    - React Query
    - Recharts
    - Axios
    - Typescript
    - NodeJS
    - Express
    - Sequelize
    - DatumBox (Machine Learning models)
    - GoogleAPIs
    - PostgreSQL
    - Docker
    - Nginx
    - GitHub Actions
    - Digital Ocean
    - Nektos/act
Mohamed Tayeh

Mohamed Tayeh

Software Engineer at a stealth start-up