COVID-19 Vaccination Tracker

This was a self-driven project as part of our CSCC09 course (Programming on the Web) as a team of 3.

The motivation was to simplify the COVID-19 vaccination statistics for anyone to understand, even without being statisticically or mathematically oreinted. Due to the global nature, we implemented internationalization to broaden the target audience.

Source Code

Thank you to everyone who I have worked with to achieve this goal!

Walk Through:

Technology used

    - React
    - React MUI
    - Google Maps
    - I18n
    - Apollo GraphQL Client
    - Express
    - Mongoose
    - GraphQL
    - MongoDB
    - MongoDB Atlas
    - Docker
    - GitHub Actions
    - Digital Ocean
    - NodeJS
    - Sentry
Mohamed Tayeh

Mohamed Tayeh

Software Engineer at a stealth start-up